Saturday, May 5, 2007

yeah right, Dr. Phil

So I just subscribed to another month of

I thought to myself, why am I bothering with SS? He doesnt know if he wants to be with me, plain and simple. He may tell me that if he were settled and knew where he was going to be in 3 months, he would have no doubts. But the truth of the matter is, he doesn't know where he is going to be, and that makes him unsure of us. And if I'm going to be completely honest with myself, I know what's going to happen. When he comes home at the end of may, he is going to go back to the way things were. He just said to me a few days ago, "I can't wait until i am done with school so I can come home and spend time with you." But after that happens, he probably is going to get a job in Arizona or California, and things are inevitably not going to work out. So why am I bothering? Sounds kind of negative, but it's true.

So back to match. I did this once before and didn't have much luck at all. I met a few cool guys, actually dated one for a very brief period of time, but nothing really important.

This should be interesting.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Forget about SS. Even if he does want to get back together in the future, you won't be able to trust someone who does these kinds of emotional flip-flops.

Internet dating has never really worked for me. I've dated a few people through that method and it wasn't a disaster or anything, but nothing very exciting ever came of it. I made one good friend through internet dating. But that's about it.

Is there a bar in your town where people mingle freely? an equivalent to my "Lovable Dive" perhaps? I always meet people when I go there. It's become the spot we go when we want to meet boys. hehe