Friday, August 17, 2007
I didn't like the direction that this one was going in. Not really sure why.
so hop, skip, jump on over to
ENJOY! and feel free to link me! I'll re-link everyone also.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
it's been a while....
-I broke up with LT. It was really strange, because he really was a good guy. It's just that things sort of fell flat for me. I wasn't physically attracted to him anymore. I mean, he was nice on the eyes, don't get me wrong, but when it came for.... more physical things.... eeeh. I didn't even want him to kiss me.
-SS is back in town for good. He got a job here. We fight a lot. I think our friendship may not work out at all. It's sad, but a lot of times he is more stress than anything else for me.
-I got a new job. It's good+good pay. I am a little frustrated though, because the position that I interviewed for was a really good job that I was very qualified for. Starting salary was 40k a year. Well when they called me back to hire me, they told me that they wanted to hire me for another position that stared at 29.5k a year, bc they decided to hire internally for the one that i interviewed for. So I get there for orientation, and the other 3 new hires are there for the 40k job that i told was being hired for internally. Grr. But the manager did tell me that it was very possible that they would move me up to that position within a few months.
-looking for a new place. The BFF and i are looking for some nice, affordable 2 bedrooms that will accept my dog. I would love to find a place with a fenced in yard, but she is small enough that it is not a necessity.
I'll try to not be such a slacker on the blog anymore!!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
some new things going on
also, i met a boy. from we'll call him LT. He's very nice. we met for drinks on wednesday and had a really good time. he is very cute and nice. we went out again friday night, and we had a nice kiss. we'll see, but i'd say there is potential.
Also, Friday night I went out with GS and his girlfriend (the ugly one haha). Anyway, we had a good time, and then GS and I went outside to smoke while his girlfriend watched our table inside, and he tried to kiss me 3 times. and then he freaked out, made me swear to never tell his girlfriend (why the heck would I???) and then they left haha. it was totally strange. But yea, i was not ok with that. So after he left I hung out with LT.
and now, back to the stupid mtv movie awards haha.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
avril speaks the truth
So saturday night we went out, got extremely drunk, afterpartied with my gay bff til 6am, and a random, kind of scary 40 year old man named Stone wrote me a love letter. Overall, amazing times.
Oh, and another story. There is a very cute boy that works at a local establishment near my house. I won't say exactly what this establishment is, for "security, anonymity purposes." But I go there at least once a day. It's not a sketchy place or anything, haha, swear. So anyway, oddly enough, we sort of became friends. He moved here from across the country, and 6 months ago, his girlfriend moved here too. Anyway, we'll call cute boy GS. So GS and I will hang out and talk while he is at work, sometimes for at least an hour. I will go to leave, and he'll be like, "don't leave, stay and keep me company." So, he is going on a trip back to his hometown to see a band play and his girlfriend can't go because of money purposes. He has told me that she doesn't have any friends here, and maybe we could hang out so she would have a girl to be friends with. So he asked for my number so we could all hang out. He was thinking about meeting us out on saturday. Well they didnt', but he called on Sunday and chit-chatted with me for a while. Well it turns out that on his bus ride to his hometown, he'll be passing through the same city that SS lives in. he said I should go on the bus ride with him until we get to SS's city so we can keep each other company. Hmm. Well anyway, tonight when I was at his work, his girlfriend called and she gave me her myspace url. So I checked it out, and HOLY CRAP. THIS GIRL IS UGLY! Not even a little homely in a cute way, but UGLY. It's disappointed, b/c GS is so adorable and sweet. And his girlfriend is ugly, and apparently a little ghetto too. Huh. Which reminds me of that super annoying new avril levigne song, "Hey hey! You you! I know what your girlfriend looks like, no way! I think you need a new one!" haha. So I guess I have to be GS's girlfriends buddy now, and maybe do a little flirting with him to make him realize I am way cuter than his girlfriend will ever be. (semi-kidding there. hehe)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
yeah right, Dr. Phil
I thought to myself, why am I bothering with SS? He doesnt know if he wants to be with me, plain and simple. He may tell me that if he were settled and knew where he was going to be in 3 months, he would have no doubts. But the truth of the matter is, he doesn't know where he is going to be, and that makes him unsure of us. And if I'm going to be completely honest with myself, I know what's going to happen. When he comes home at the end of may, he is going to go back to the way things were. He just said to me a few days ago, "I can't wait until i am done with school so I can come home and spend time with you." But after that happens, he probably is going to get a job in Arizona or California, and things are inevitably not going to work out. So why am I bothering? Sounds kind of negative, but it's true.
So back to match. I did this once before and didn't have much luck at all. I met a few cool guys, actually dated one for a very brief period of time, but nothing really important.
This should be interesting.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
bad idea
i shouldn't be doing this. but i miss you. a lot. i can't get you out of my head and it sucks. i wonder how your trip was and if you had fun, and i just miss you. i miss talking to you and laughing with you. and i keep thinking about feeling your arms around me. i really hope that you are doing ok. this is all i'm going to say now, b/c it's not so fun for me. and i really am going to stick to my guns about not calling or texting now, i know i kind of sucked at it before. but i really did try. i want to give you your space if you need it. but it's hard. i wonder if it's hard for you too. i know you are getting down to the wire with school and you are probably really busy. if you want to call or text, i'm more than happy to talk to you. but i've gotta try to stop waiting and checking. its hard. ok, i'm really sorry. i'm just having a hard time with a lot of stuff. and missing you is one of them. ok i'm shutting up now.
I'm horrible at the whole "not caring" business. I mean, he knows that I care. It's no secret. I know that he cares too. But now, I've probably ruined it. But if I act like I don't care, that I'm going on as usual and it's not bothering me, I think that he'll think that I just don't care and he should just forget about it and move on. I"m an idiot. I probably just screwed things up big time with that one instant message. Way to go, me.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
hello there strangers
So, if you stop by, drop a comment and say hello!
I also find some of the google searches that people have found me through to be absolutely hilarious.
That's all for now. The lack of things to do this weekend have left me feeling a little down, and extra sad about the boyfriend situation.
Friday, April 20, 2007
{boring}with fried rice
Maybe I'll IM one of the old guys (not old as in age, by the way) I met from a while back. Ok, done. We'll see if he responds. ha. Just so you know, this is out of sheer boredom. The reason I stopped talking to this guy is because before we even had a chance to meet, he went out and nabbed himself a good old DUI. Yeah, no thanks.
So here's some news about your twenty-something friend here. I quit my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad job! Yes, yes I did. I hated it, it made me unhappy, and I just decided that it was not worth the unhappiness. I got a job at a daycare, making 2 dollars less an hour than I was making at my previous job. That's kind of a scary thought. Well, the day after I got the job at the daycare, I got a call from another job that I had applied for. This one is also is very flexible with scheduling, which I need because I am a full time student, AND it pays the same as my previous job. So I was in a bit of a pickle! I'm going to interview with the second job, and if I get it, see if I can arrange the schedules so that I can pull about 15 hours a week at both and see which one works better for me, or possibly just keep both.
Because, well, I need more than $8 an hour. The BFF and I are looking at apartments, and hope to move out by June 1st. Although I can swing it if I decide to stick with the daycare job by itself, it's going to be tough. And although I'd rather be broke as a joke and move out of my parent's house, it would be nice to be able to have some money for things other than rent/utilities. You know, like beer, shoes, and clothes! I think I may need to become a phone sex operator on the side. hehe. :-P
Oh, and a big thanks to dolly for linking me! I read your blog all the time and love it! I'm feelin sorta special right now. So yay for that.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
back to square one?
SS: I dunno, I don't know what I'm doing with my life... I'm just making stupid decisions and going along with what's good at the moment...
I'm questioning everything these days...
I just dont' want to make you upset....
I just know that I'm not who I appear to be sometimes. I can be a jerk and an asshole.
Me: I don't understand why you say that. I don't think you are a jerk or an asshole.
SS: Cause you barely know me.
Me: I barely know you? Ok... I'm trying...
SS: I'm not saying you're not trying, you're doing so much more for this relationship than I am...which is really making me feel horrible. I can't commit like I wish I would. It's hard to explain, I just am not putting my whole heart into it, and it makes me sad. I'm an asshole.
I'm not putting any effort into any part of my life right now and I know it. It's the worst realization. I feel like I cant' do anything.
So for the next week or so, things were fine. And then he sends my best friend (we'll call her BFF, creative, I know) a text message slightly freaking out about where his job is going to be and how i feel about all of it. She texted him back and said something along the lines of, "she doesnt' expect you to come home, she's just going with it all, why don't you talk to her." So she called and told me about it, and I sent him an IM that said, "I heard you sent BFF a text, maybe we should talk. Give me a call when you get a chance." Well he called a little while later, and we had a long talk. I told him I knew that he was depressed, and I went through the same thing a few years ago.... Not being able to get out of bed, missing class all of the time, feeling like I couldn't do anything right, the only thing I ever got out of bed to do was to go out with my friends and get drunk. I told him that I went to a therapist for a while, got on a schedule, and now I am fine. He said he knows that he needs to talk to someone and get out of the rut that he is in, but he just doesnt' have the time to do it. So basically here is a rundown of his reasoning and what was said:
-he needs to concentrate on himself to get out of the bad place that he is in mentally right now
-i was influencing his decision about which job/city he was making his first choice. (basically, even though I knew the whole time that he may not come home and might get a job somewhere really far away like california, and i never said anything about him coming back home for me, he felt like just being together was making him make our hometown his first choice even though it might not be. In my defense, i told him that i never said anything about where he was going to be, and I was always understanding about the situation. But, he even showed me the apartments he wanted to live in when he came home, etc.)
-he feels like he is "relationship dependent"
-we moved way too fast
-if he knew where he was going to be in a few months and was happy with himself, he wouldn't have a single doubt about us. (gee, thanks)
After he said all of this, and that we needed to "break up, no take a break, no break up, no take a break" he said that he still wanted me to be part of his life, he still wanted to talk to me, and that i'm so important to him and he doesn't want to lose me. Then he said, "I think I'm making a huge mistake. I really need to sleep on this and talk to you tomorrow." So then tomorrow came and he stuck to his decision to break up. I told him that if he still wanted to talk to me, he can call me or text me, but I'm not the one that's going to be doing any of the calling and texting. I just can't hang on to this for another 2, 3, 4 months and then have him decide that he doesn't want to be with me if he's here, or he doesnt' want to do a long distance relationship. I have to protect myself. So yeah, he's still calling and texting. It makes me happy that he is still thinking about me, but at the same time, it makes me sad that he still wants to talk to me all the time but doesn't want to be with me.
It's all a little frustrating, because he freaked out once, before we were supposed to go meet halfway and spend the day/night together, and I gave him his space, and it lasted two days before he was calling and apologizing and changed his mind. And the first night that we spent together when he came home, he told me how sure about us he was and how he didn't have any doubts. He told his dad about me, I met his cousin and he introduced me as his girlfriend. It's just confusing.
So I guess for now, I don't wait. That'll be hard.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
But now he is gone and I probably won't get to see him for 5 weeks :-( And that is hard.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
caught off gaurd?
Well, this boy, let's call him SS, goes to school about 6 hours away from our hometown. It came time for his spring break, and he sent me a message on facebook saying that he'd love to hang out. We talked about it on AIM for a bit, but he then realized that he couldn't come home because he had a lot of work to do on his senior project. He(finally!) asked for my number so we could chat since he wasn't coming home. So, we began talking on the phone. All of a sudden, taking us both completely off gaurd, we began talking for 5, 6 hours at a time, staying in touch through texts all day long, and really beginning to like each other. It seemed crazy because he was 6 hours away, but we didn't care. So this has been going on for about 2 weeks. I think that we have something really special. We are getting to know each other so well because we talk so much. And I have to say, I really really care about him. About a week ago, he said something along the lines of, "my friends are asking what the deal is with the two of us, and I don't really know what to say or what to call you." I laughed and said I was getting the same thing. A few hours later I get a text that says, "baby?" and I say, "yes?" and he says, "be mine?" So I say, "if you want me to be." Well then he called and we talked about it, and he told me that even though he's far away, he really wants to be together and make it work, and he'll be home in 6 weeks from school, and let's give it a try. so we are boyfriend/girlfriend now. Is it completely strange that I have a boyfriend that I've hung out with once but talk to probably more than a lot of people do in their relationships? I understand that it is odd, and some of my friends tell me that I'm crazy, but I really care for him. He doesn't play "the game" like all of the other guys that I've encountered lately. he tells me how he feels, tells me I'm beautiful, he's just a great guy. Plus, he's super smart (double major in two ridiculously intelligent subjects). and Friday afternoon I get a text from him that says, "I want to say the L word to you because I love what we have." And normally I would freak out over something like that, but I didnt'. At all. Maybe because I don't see it ending, and only getting better once he's home.
So this Saturday, we are meeting in a city halfway between us. We booked a hotel for the night, and we are going to go have a nice dinner, watch a movie, and cuddle. I'm so excited to see him. And with him, I don't have to worry about him getting the wrong idea about the fact that we are staying in a hotel together. he is respectful and sweet, and it is highly unlikely that there will be anything more than kissing going on. However, there will hopefully be LOTS AND LOTS of kissing!
I am super excited about this, and I really hope it goes well! Wish me luck!
Friday, March 16, 2007
how about a story?
The first:
We'll call him "Mr. Athlete" (I'll call him this because he played college football. By the way, I really do enjoy these made-up names!). Mr. Athlete and I were set up by my best friend during my sophomore year at college. He and my Best Friend had worked together over summers for a few years. He came over one night to watch a movie, and we hit it off, and were pretty much dating right after that. You will come to see that both of my LTR's happened very quickly. Anyway, we were together for a little over 2 years. He was a great guy, treated me well all the time, never wanted to fight. There were times when I was tempted to just start a fight because every time a disagreement would come up, he would say something like, "I'm sorry, I love you, let's not fight." Not that I want (or wanted at that point) someone who fought with me. I just don't think there is anything wrong with a little heated disagreement every once in a while. Well, Mr. Athlete was head over heels in love with me. And after about 2 years, I started to get that nagging feeling in the back of my head. Ya know, the one that whispers "he's not the one" during conversations about our future. Bad sign? Indeed. I just honestly couldn't see myself marrying him and having kids with him. So I broke it off. He was very torn up, and I still feel bad about breaking his big macho heart. Ya know how I knew that I made the right decision and never regretted it?I never cried. I missed his company, but I didn't feel that break in my heart. But Karma's a bitch, and I would eventually get my heart broken in two. That leads to....
The Second:
We'll call him "Ex J" ... Ex J and I met on.....myspace. That's right. Myspace. Although I never told anyone except for my friends this, and certainly never told my family. They thought we met at a bar. I guess that is somehow better! So anyway, Ex J lived on the same side of town that I lived on, and so we would randomly send each other messages every once in a while about a pub crawl we'd heard about, etc. We had exchanged instant messenger names, but these conversations were few and far between. One day, out of the blue, he IM's me and we ended up talking for a while, when he asked for my phone number. I give it to him, he calls, and we talk for about 4 hours. He asked me on a date during that first phone conversation. We continued to talk on the phone every night that week, and went on our date that Saturday night. We went to a movie, then he decided to join my friends and me at a bar for a going away party for a college friend. Since we both had been drinking, he stayed at my house. From that night on, we were inseperable. Within a week, we were staying at each other's houses every night, and within three weeks, he took me to meet his parents. Things were great, I was the happiest I had ever been. He said that he hadn't been so happy in a very long time. He and his ex had broken up a few months earlier after a 6 and a half year relationship.(red flag? now I know this) . Well I guess his ex found out that we were serious, and she began to call and text constantly saying how she missed him and still loved him, blah blah. Meanwhile, she had a new boyfriend. I, being a good girlfriend, let this go because he told me that I had nothing to worry about, he was with me and he wanted to be with me. Until one night when he hit me with "I'm confused." Oh well great! So basically we went back and forth for about a month of him saying he just needed to talk to her and figure things out, but he still wanted to be with me. This went on for about 2 months, and finally I told him that I couldn't do it anymore. I loved him, but I couldn't sit around and be second best anymore, and wait for his ex to decide if she wanted him back. Because that's basically, in a nutshell, what was happening. Even if he didn't see it that way. so we broke up, continued to act like boyfriend/girlfriend for another couple of weeks and then finally stopped seeing each other. He told me that he just needed some time to figure out who he was a single person since he had been in such a long relationship with her and then jumped into one with me. But he said that I was "the one" and to wait for him. So, as a love-struck idiot, I did. And about 2 weeks later, my best friend and I see him at a restaurant with a girl. Hmmm. He knows we are there, calls me the next day and says that he has a new girlfriend. After that, I cried for approximately 3 months. It's been a year and a few months, and I am finally completely over it. I guess I never really believed that your heart could physically hurt until then. Ya know, I thought I was done looking. I thought that I had found the one that I was going to marry, have children with, and spend the rest of my life with. It's a pretty big smack in the face to realize that you are back to square one.
And so begins a string of many first dates, many bad first dates, lots of frustration, and lots of confusion.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I think the main reason I'm trying out this blog is because I'd like to get other people besides my friends' opinions on things.
Ok, so a little bit about me....
I'm 24 and live in Ohio. Single. And I guess you could say "looking." I work and go to school, and try to find time for some dating.
That's all for now, but I hope to get some readers on here! So stay tuned!